TIE 211 Launching Innovation: From idea to Viable Business
This course equips participants with the cognitive tools and methodological rigor essential for excelling in the dynamic arena of technology-driven ventures. Through empirical problem-solving, rigorous analysis of innovation commercialization pathways, cultivation of a scientifically grounded entrepreneurial mindset, engagement with domain experts, and dedicated scientific inquiry, students develop competencies deeply rooted in evidence-based decision-making and hypothesis testing. The course will provide students with an overview of key subjects that will aid the new venture development process, such as intra/entrepreneurship, innovation management, market size, positioning, and customer analysis - all leading to a strong commercialization planning and Go-to-Market strategy as a deliverable.
The program will also allow students to develop a number of ‘soft’ skills such as leadership, team development, conflict resolution, stakeholder management, project management in an intensive, experiential learning environment that includes regular pitches and feedback from peers, teaching team, and mentors. Mixed interdisciplinary teams of 3-5 students are self-formed around their interest areas, as the aim is not to work on the ‘science’ of the technology but on the value proposition and business model. This would include a strong understanding of the business aspects necessary for launching a new product or service through a new or existing venture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Knowledge is acquired through the process of doing, including understanding a technology’s potential competitive advantage, business sustainability, revenue and cost streams deriving from commercialization, and knowledge of the industry value chain.