Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE)

The Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TIE) program, at KAUST, aims to train a new generation of entrepreneurial engineers. The Program embeds a fusion of creative thinking and technological innovations for entrepreneurial careers. The intention of TIE program is to redefine the boundaries of technological innovations, engineering, and entrepreneurship. The program will provide students with capabilities and competencies in a wide range of technological innovations, science, engineering, and entrepreneurship. Central to this program is its emphasis on project-based learning. The program blends theoretical knowledge with practical application. Students will engage in an iterative process of product development through prototyping cycles. The applications will foster a unique approach towards creativity and innovation, enabling transition towards economic impact. TIE program will take students on a transformative journey where innovation and entrepreneurship are the catalysts for enabling positive national and global change.

Program Chair

Aamir Farooq-

Graduate Program Student Advisor (GPSA), formerly (GPC).

 Reham Almubarak –

Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Degrees