A variety of learning experiences

Plagiarism and Cheating

Honesty is expected and required of all students. The purpose of this section of the policy is to deal with honesty in the conduct of all examinations, essays, reports, and other assignments prepared or completed by students pursuant to the requirements of a Selkirk College program or course.

Cheating is defined as dishonest or deceptive conduct or attempted conduct by which individuals or groups of individuals use or attempt to use unauthorized aids, assistance, materials and methods to represent others academic work, training and standards as their own.

Plagiarism is defined as the presentation or submission of work or data (published or unpublished in any form), done in whole or in part by other persons, without citation or credit, as the student's own work.

The submission of one's own work for credit in more than one course without the expressed knowledge of the instructors involved is forbidden. Selkirk College will not condone, nor will it accept work submitted to obtain credit which was produced through cheating or plagiarism.

  • First offense: The assignment, test, exam, paper, project or other work involved will be awarded a grade of zero and be incorporated into the calculation of the final grade.
  • Second offense: The student will be required to withdraw from the course.
  • Further offense: The student will be required to withdraw from the college.
  • A record of the foregoing will be kept in the student's official record.
  • Depending on the nature of the offense, the first two steps may be by-passed, following consultation of instructor, School Chair, Dean and/or Registrar.