Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE)

The Environmental Science and Engineering (EnSE) Program educates and trains students to address many of the world's grand challenges related to sustainability and the environment, focusing on the intersection of water, energy, food nexus, and sustainable processes.

Students entering the program take four core courses and technical elective courses that cover essential areas in water and wastewater treatment, water desalination, microbiological safety of water reuse, resource recovery, sustainability and management, and surface science and materials for water, energy, and environment. The core-plus elective courses will equip students for a successful and productive career in these fields.  

Program Chair

Peiying Hong- peiying.hong@kaust.edu.sa

Graduate Program Student Advisor (GPSA), formerly (GPC)

Ameen Ghawanmeh- ameen.ghawanmeh@kaust.edu.sa

Burgundy Powell- burgundy.powell@kaust.edu.sa

Environmental Science and Engineering Degrees