Plant Science (PS)
The Plant Science (PS) program aims to develop a thorough understanding of basic and applied plant biology, including plant growth and function under challenging environmental conditions, such as those found in Saudi Arabia. The fundamental biology of plants is studied using a range of disciplines, including (e.g. genomics, molecular genetics, cell biology, developmental biology, stress biology, plant physiology proteomics, metabolomics and microbiology). The program focuses on the interactions of plants with the environment, considering both abiotic (heat, salt and drought) and biotic (pathogens and symbionts) stresses are investigated. Application of this knowledge will allow the development of plants with enhanced tolerance to environmental stresses and help to establish sustainable agricultural systems in arid regions of the world.
Program Chair
Simon Krattinger-
Graduate Program Student Advisor (GPSA), formerly (GPC)
Ameen Ghawanmeh-
Burgundy Powell-
Plant Science Degrees