Mechanical Engineering (ME)

The Mechanical Engineering (ME) program at KAUST focuses on cutting-edge basic and applied research in thermal-fluids, material design, robotics, clean energy, sustainability, and the environment. Within each of these research areas, the emphasis is on interdisciplinary research and collaborations with top-tier institutions around the globe. The ME program also engages with the various research centers and strategic initiatives at KAUST.  

The ME program curriculum is rigorous, and courses in the program provide a solid foundation in subjects such as mechanical behavior of engineering materials, continuum mechanics, thermodynamics, experimental and numerical combustion, computational fluid dynamics, and control theory. Our graduates are technically prepared to be productive members of a global society. They are specifically suited for research careers in academia, industry, and government research laboratories. 

Program Chair

Deanna Lacoste-

Graduate Program Student Advisor (GPSA), formerly (GPC)

Emmanuelle Sougrat-

Mechanical Engineering Degrees